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Thermal camera drone catches poachers

Police Catch Poacher With Thermal Camera Drone

Hunting with thermal imaging drones is one of the common hunting tools for hunters, but at the same time, thermal imaging drones can also help police catch poachers.

Hunting season has begun in many parts of the United States, with wild hunts including deer, wild turkeys and elk. But before heading out to the bush to hunt, hunters must apply for a hunting license from their state's government, in addition to strict restrictions on when, where, and the number of animals they can hunt. Violations by those violators, including hunting during non-hunting season, shooting from a car, hunting with a spotlight at night, or illegally entering areas of private land, are subject to surveillance by hunting police.

U.S. Trains Kenyan Pilots To Step Up Fight Against Poaching

 Thermal camera drone catches poachers

In order to protect wildlife diversity, the U.S. Department of Justice has assigned seven pilots from the Kenya Wildlife Service to Hammond, Louisiana, to receive training in autogyro, in preparation for a more effective fight against poachers in the future.

The flight unit is responsible for inspecting threats to animals such as poaching, illegal logging, and fire. The pilots call the ground patrol if they see a problem. But in order to detect threats to wildlife, there are great difficulties with traditional fixed-wing models. Here we will introduce a foldable commercial drone--EVO II Dual 640T.

Combating Poaching: The Role Of Thermal Imaging Drones

Thermal camera drones stop elephant poaching

Thermal imaging drones can be the best tool to combat illegal poaching. No matter it is day or night, the thermal imager UAV EVO II Dual 640t equipped with dual cameras can patrol for 40 minutes at a time, cruising in a large area, and at the same time supports planning of routes and tracks, which greatly improves the efficiency of ground patrol personnel.

At night, the thermal imaging technology of the thermal camera drone makes all poachers invisible. The EVO II Dual 640t can use an 8k visible light camera and a thermal sensor lens with a resolution of 640*512 to form a picture-in-picture mode to precisely lock the range of heat sources and combat illegal hunting.

The purpose of preventing poaching by thermal imaging drones is to maintain the diversity of life, protect the country's endangered wild species, and protect the habitat of animals. The protection of wild animals is a matter that should be widely paid attention to in the whole country and even the whole world.

Thermal Camera Drone For Hunting

Of course, drones can also be used for legal hunting.

In the United States, wild boar is an invasive species that wreaks havoc on the environment, especially in the southern United States. These 200-pound animals are destructive, destructive livestock, damage ecosystems and compete with native species. Combined with their impressive fecundity and high adaptability, the eradication of wild boars costs $1.5 billion a year.

Using drones to hunt wild boars is a good use case. Add thermal cameras and they're easier to spot. Pig hunting with drones with thermal cameras is friendlier and more efficient for hunters.

Read More:

Thermal Camera Hunting: EVO II 640t with 640*512 Thermal Camera Drone

Boar, Coyote Hunting | Thermal Camera Drone for Hunting

Thermal Imaging Drones for Legal Hunting | Buyer's Guide

Wildlife Scouting Camera Drone | EVO II Dual 640t with Thermal Camera

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