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How to do mapping missions with the Autel EVO 2 Drone?

In this video, we show you how to do mapping missions with the Autel EVO II Drone and you can get more information on how you can use the Mission Planner.

Related: How to Use the Mission Planner Autel EVO II Drone

Mission Planner can be accessed from the Home screen by tapping the “Mission” button The Autel Explorer EVO II Mission Planner is a full-featured, waypoint mission creation and editing tool. Configure your aircraft's flight control settings to best suit your preferences. Access Intelligent flight modes like Waypoint mission planning, Orbits, Dynamic Track, and Viewpoint. Paired with the auto-gridding feature found in the Autel Explorer™ software, the Autel mapping solution provides efficient mission planning and execution. The resulting data can be evaluated through a variety of post-flight analytic, modeling, mapping, or stitching software tools.

With UAV topographic maps and 3D models, stakeholders can visualize, plan, make informed decisions and take decisive action. Autonomous flight allows for repeated flights that may be layered to determine changes in the work site and provide comparisons over time.

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