Autel Robotics New Year Special Sale 2022 Autel Robotics New Year Special Sale 2022

SkyfendTracer - Portable UAV Detector

SkyfendTracer is a portable UAV detector that effectively receives, analyzes and processes the radio signals of a wide range of UAV models. It is suitable for extensive and highly maneuverable operations, allowing for deplovment in environments that have stringent size, weight and power demands.There are two models for various scenarios.

Tracer P

Tracer P can swiftly determine the exact locations of UAVs and pilots by analyzing wireless signal protocol layer information, without causing any nterference to wire ess communication devices within the protected zone.


Tracer P detects radio signals of UAVs, allowing the acquisition of vital information including coordinates (latitude and longitude), altitude, speed heading angle, model, SN and pilot's location.


Tracer P utilizes list management to classify drones as either friendly or hostile. During detection missions, the device intelligently disregards drones listed in the whitelist, thereby achieving an advanced warning and defense svstem.

Data Feedback

The system enables the real-time display of intruding drone flight paths and associated pilots, allowing users to access pilot details and positions directly on the map.

The list is categorized into friendly or hostile classifications, with adjustable sorting priority available in the settings. The list displays the details of all the detected drones and pilots.

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