Small drones for public and recreational use are starting to grow exponentially. However, due to the increased misuse of commercial off-the-shelf COTS drones near airports, public events, and military installations, enhanced drone jamming has become a must for law enforcement agencies and military protection groups.
COTS (commercial off the shelf) drones are advanced drones that cover high-end drone hardware and technology. Counter-drone drones (C-UAS) detect, track and attack jamming aircraft to defend against these commercial drones.
Commercial drones often integrate more advanced sensors and have stronger anti-jamming capabilities. But at the same time, UAV drone systems are still dependent on their computer systems, information technology and network connections. The communication frequency band of the drone is often extremely susceptible to interference, which affects the flight of the drone.
Drone jammer SkyfendHunter AFA100 is the first jamming device that can jam the full frequency band of drone communication. The interference frequency band covers 433Mhz-6Ghz, the drone will lose the connection with the remote control, and at the same time interrupt the image transmission screen of the drone.
SkyfendHunter AFA100 can also interfere with satellite communication, causing the drone to lose GPS signal and positioning, so that it can land or return in place.
2km detection, 3km jamming two-in-one jammer Skyfend AFA100 also has a 3.5-inch display screen, users can perform interactive operations, upload user logs, software updates, etc.
Contact Us For Drone Signal Jammer Skyfend AFA100

Skyfend Hunter AFA100 Anti-drone Jammer
- All-in-One Detection and Jamming
- 3,000m Jamming Range
- 400MHz-6GHz Full-Bnad Coverage
- Equipped With 3.5-Inch Touchscreen
- Assisted Orientation
- Intelligent Jamming
- User Logs
- Firmware Upgrades