Autel Evo 2 Release Date in the latter half of March
Autel Robotics Announce Latest News - EVO II software bug was fixed, production in normal. And EVO II drone will available for purchase in the latter half of March, Most possible in Next Week.
In Autel's last update, they informed us there has run into some production glitches on EVO 2 and the release date for this much-anticipated drone has been pushed back to March. Now Autel post status updates on EVO II and state the EVO 2 will be available for purchase in the latter half of the month. This is an update that was posted on Autel’s Facebook page:
Autel's Facebook Post
From the team here at Autel Robotics, we wanted to take a moment to thank you for your patience over the past month. Since it has been a few weeks, we wanted to give the community a status update on EVO II.
In our last update, we discussed a software bug that had been discovered and we were working on a fix before continuing production. That issue has since been resolved and all systems are go! With the unfortunate timing of the coronavirus outbreak, staffing at our assembly factory was affected, but we’re happy to say production has now returned to normal.
We also stated that our goal was to get EVO II into the hands of customers in March. Our plan has remained the same, and EVO II is projected to With the delay of the EVO II 8K, the development and production of EVO II Pro and Dual have caught up and we expect the release of those two versions shortly after.
More information will be coming in the next week or so to confirm this, so keep an eye on your emails and watch our website for the most accurate and up to date information. We want to be as transparent as possible and provide more information as we receive it.
Again, we appreciate everyone’s patience as we get ready for this very exciting launch. Our goal, as always, is to exceed expectations: we want to ensure that goal has been met before launch.
Thank you and fly safe!