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Drone Terminology and Vocabulary

Whether you are a drone enthusiast or a professional drone pilot, while mastering drone flying skills, you also need to know drone-related professional terms, and quickly know the relevant vocabulary in the drone industry to better for drone communication.

The following are common drone terms and vocabulary:

UAV: Abbreviation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, which refers to an aircraft without personnel.

UAS: Abbreviation for Unmanned Aircraft System, which refers to a collection of drones, ground control stations and other related components.

AC: Aircraft.

Drone: A common name for drones, now widely used to describe small unmanned aerial vehicles, often seen in multi-rotor drones.

AGL: Above Ground Level, Refers to the altitude above the ground immediately under the drone. For example, a drone flying 100 feet above a 45-foot hill would have an AGL of 55 feet.

BLOS: Beyond line of sight

VLOS: Visual line of sight

BVLOS: Beyond Visual Line of Sight, The ability to operate an unmanned aircraft beyond the pilot’s line of sight. Flying UAS beyond visual line of sight requires a special permit from the FAA.

FC: The abbreviation of Flight Controller, which refers to the core controller of the drone, which is responsible for controlling the flight, navigation and stability of the drone.

ESC: The abbreviation of Electronic Speed Controller, which refers to the electronic components that control the speed and steering of the drone motor.

GPS: The abbreviation of Global Positioning System (Global Positioning System), which refers to the satellite system used for positioning and navigation.

GLONASS: Global Navigation Satellite System (Russian Satellite Navigation System)

FPV: The abbreviation of First Person View, which refers to the real-time observation of the drone's flight picture through the camera on the drone.

RTF: Abbreviation for Ready-to-Fly, which refers to a drone that can fly directly without assembly or debugging after purchase.

RTH: Return to HomeWhen the drone operator triggers the function on the remote control or when a drone is automatically set to return to home if battery power is low or signal from the transmitter is lost.

LiPo: The abbreviation of Lithium Polymer Battery (Lithium Polymer Battery), which refers to high energy density and lightweight batteries commonly used in drones.

Brushless Motor: Brushless motor, which refers to a brushless DC motor, which is often used in drone power systems.

Payload: Payload refers to the additional devices or equipment that the drone can carry, such as cameras, sensors, items, etc.

Obstacle Avoidance: Obstacle avoidance technology refers to the technology that drones identify obstacles and automatically avoid them through sensors, cameras and other technologies.

Autonomous Flight: Autonomous flight refers to the ability of drones to achieve autonomous flight through preset routes, GPS and other technologies.

Waypoint: Waypoint refers to the preset navigation point of the drone during autonomous flight.

Geofencing: Geofencing Technology that uses global positioning system (GPS & GLONASS) to establish a virtual geographic boundary to prevent drones from flying into specific areas.

Photogrammetry: A method of surveying and mapping through stitching photographs together to make one large image.

Part 107: These are commercial drone operator regulations created by the Federal Aviation Administration to define restrictions and safety standards for commercial drone flights.

Pitch: When the front of the drone moves up and down.

Roll: When the sides of the drone go up and down.

Yaw: Orbiting the drone from right to left.

AMA: Academy of Model Aeronautics

MSL: Mean Sea Level

AMSL: Above Mean Sea Level

ARTF: Almost ready to fly

ASL: Above Sea Level

ATTI: Attitude

AUW: All Up Weight

BNF: Bind n Fly (transmitter)

BTU: Blue Tooth Unit

Cal: Calibration

CA: Collision Avoidance

CAA: Civil Aviation Authority (UK Regulator)

CAAS: Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (Singapore Regulator)

CL: Course Lock

CSC: Combination Stick Command

FAA: Federal Aviation Administration (US Regulator)

FRZ: Flight Restricted Zone

FS: Failsafe

GHz: Giga-hertz

HL: Home Lock

IR: Internal Resistance

IOC: Intelligent Orientation Control

IMU: Inertial Measurement Unit

LHCP: Left Hand Circular Polorized

LOS: Line of sight

MC: Main controller

NFZ: No Fly Zone

MHz: Mega-hertz

Nicad: Nickle Cadmium

NOTAM: Notice to Airmen

OA: Obstacle Avoidance

OP: Original Poster

POI: Point of Interest

RC: Remote Control

RHCP: Right Hand Circular Polorized

RTM: Read The Manual

Rx: Receiver

SFRA: Special Flight Rules Area

SOC: State Of Charge

SPS: Starlink Positioning System

SUA: Small Unmanned Aircraft (What the CAA call what we fly)

SUSA: Small Unmanned Surveillance Aircaft (What the CAA call what we fly)

sUAS: Small unmanned aircraft system (what the FAA calls what we fly)

TC: Transport Canada

Tx: Transmitter

VRS: Vortex Ring State

VTx: Video Transmitter

VRx: Video Receiver

VPS: Visual Positioning System

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