Drones become more active at night, and since they are not easily spotted, you can’t help but wonder if they are spying on you or are being sent to carry out other nefarious activities.
Drones' high-definition cameras pose the risk of privacy violations, and drones can be powerful surveillance tools used by law enforcement to record criminal operations and track suspects. Drones can also be an illegal tool used by hackers for drone surveillance.

If drones are used for night surveillance, this will bring great safety risks. Many people don’t know if drones flying over their property or too close to where they live are being used for malicious purposes or for personal entertainment. They are worried about it all!
Spy drones at night have made many people unknowingly the victims of privacy violations. How do I stop night spy drones from approaching me or allow me to detect night spy drones in time?
How to spot a drone at night?
1. Check if the aircraft flying overhead has lights
2. Listen to the sounds above your head
3. Use a drone tracking app
4. Install the motion sensor camera
It is illegal to fly drones at night and turn off the lights, so you can visually check whether there are drones around you.
At the same time, the noise of drones flying in the night sky is quite obvious, even drones equipped with silent propellers can still hear the buzzing sound. You can clearly spot these drones.
In addition, we can also use some equipment to detect the existence of surveillance drones.
The Skyfend Trace drone detector can detect drones based on their broadcast signals and can sense the location of the drone pilot. In this way, we can detect the drone pilot at its source and prevent it from continuing to operate the drone.
The Skyfend Hunter and Skyfend Blader drone jammers can interfere with the control signals and wireless image transmission signals of the drone, thereby causing the drone to return home or descend in place. Note that the use of drone jammers should comply with laws and regulations, and drone jammers are generally not available to individuals.

Skyfend Blader | Anti drone jammer
- Jamming Range up to 1,500m
- Jmming Frequency:868MHz / 915MHz / 1.2GHz / 1.4GHz / 1.6GHz / 2.4GHz / 4.95GHz / 5.2GHz / 5.35GHz / 5.6GHz / 5.8GHz
- Jamming Time:30 min
- Support User Logs
- IP65
- Efficient Jamming
- Consociate Spoofing
- Low SWaP-C